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Trust, loyalty and robust applications are key challenges for the banking industry today.

Security is a critical necessity, in addition to the requirement for system availability which is driven by today's customers.  

Integrating and updating systems remain high on list but compliance and regulatory demands means ever tighter controls. Economic unrest and slow down of the economy means slower predicted growth rates and low interest rates fuel uncertainty in this sector.

International Banking and Financial Services 


A large international banking and financial services group of companies headquartered in the UK. The Group services 30 million customers worldwide.


The solution was to consolidate the groups 7 brands into one web self-service knowledge management solution with natural language semantic search and integration to Live Person chat.  The solution was enhanced to include 19 product and brand combinations subsequently.


Benefits include one deployment process for any brand with one team maintaining the solution.  Consistent User Interface for all brands. One centralised knowledge team for managing all content, with Management Information providing insights for continuous improvement and reporting operational trends.  


In 2013, it was reported that the implementation was the equivalent of having an additional 80 Call Center agents.



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London,United Kingdom, 




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