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The global travel industry is one of the largest in terms of revenue generation, foreign exchange and employment. Solutions providing the best facilities, information and user support for travel in multiple languages and consistent user experience drive this sector.

Global Travel Company 


This is a travel technology company with presence in over 170 countries that provides a Travel Commerce Platform through which travel providers connect with travel buyers. 



This client was already using Oracle’s Right Now Service Cloud solution for incident management, chat, email deflection and FAQ’s.



The client wanted improved workflow, version control history, superior multi-lingual search accuracy through natural language processing and cross-lingual search for the travel industry.   



An on premise Oracle Knowledge for web self-service and call centre solution was deployed and integrated with Oracle’s Service Cloud (Right-Now Customer portal). A single sign-on integration to enable Right-Now and Oracle knowledge to share user profile authentication and entitlements was also created.  



The original solution was enhanced with cross lingual search capability for users and one localizable user interface for 13 different language / country combinations.



330 Green Street,

London,United Kingdom, 




T: +44 (0)787 06 28748

T: +44 (0)788 65 100 89



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ImproveCX Limited

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